Game Mode
The Tome is the legacy of the Ancient God, going into the Tome will enrich the players’ knowledge of the history of different eras. Tome is a stage clearing mode; players push forward in stages following the given rules. Props that are necessary for heroes’ Breakthroughs can also be found in the Tome.
Daily Quest
There are various daily tasks available for the active players to accomplish, covering city building, exploration, stage clearing, character growth, etc. However, Daily Quests are individual to each player and subject to change based on the player’s level.
Daily Quests reward players in:
Activity Point: redeem tickets for entering the PvE mode
Diamond ($DIAM): in-game currency of circulation.
PvE (Player vs Environment)
Individual Boss
Players can challenge the Individual Boss multiple times on a daily basis. Rewards depend on the Individual Boss’ level, and the Individual Boss’ level varies according to the level of the player.
Summon the Individual Boss and beat the boss within a designated time. Shorter the battling time, higher the battling rating, better the rewards.
● SSS rating: 200% earnings + Heroic Soul
● SS rating: 150% earnings
● S rating: 100% earnings
Blood Moon Invasion
The God of Darkness created the Blood Moon, and shall the Blood Moon befall, devils will be assembled for the massive invasion. Killing the devils during the Blood Moon Period to weaken the power of the Blood Moon now!
Instead of invading others, players need to defend the invasion in the game mode known as the Blood Moon Invasion. A ticket much be obtained by meeting the Activity Point requirement in order to unlock this game mode. The higher the activity rate, the more frequent the Blood Moon Invasion can be unlocked.
During the quest, players shall defend their own territories from the devils coming in swarms. A tremendous amount of experience points for heroes’ upgrades will be rewarded once the Blood Mood is defeated.
Great ability comes with great responsibility comes with great rewards. Blood Moon Invasion too has level differences. The devils can cast much greater damages and are much harder to deal with in higher levels of the Blood Moon. The unlocking of the higher level of Blood Monn depends on the ability to resist the devil’s boss.
Boss of the World
One boss at a time, and one true winner at a time. All players in the same universe (game server) are fighting the World Boss during the quest. The winner’s heroes would receive a substantial experience point and a potential hero upgrade.
The World Boss will respawn within 5 to 15 minutes once being defeated. The player who cast the most damage would be the winner, among other participating players, rewards will be given.
Rewards include but not limited to resources, experience points, items for skills upgrade, Gear forging and speed up.
Winner special reward: 200% earnings + chances to get Heroic Soul
Others’ rewards: 100% earnings
GvE (Guild vs Environment)
Holy Beast of Clan
Dark Forces are everywhere in the Apocalypse Land, leaders of a clan can summon the Holy Beast nearby the clan’s territory where clan members will raise it. During the raising process though, the Holy Beast would easily be infested by the Dark Forces, and the clan members must work together to free the Holy Beas from the infestation.
Players must join a clan before accessing the GvE mode Holy Beast of Clan. Rewards will be provided once the mission is cleared.
Rewards are split into two types
Individual rewards
Include resources, experience, items for Gear forge and speed up, etc. All clan members who participated are entitled to these rewards.
Clan rewards
Include items and advance items for skill upgrades; Limited supply, kept by clan, distribute at the clan’s discretion.
PvP (Player vs Player)
Battles of Siege
One don’t train troops for nothing, players are permitted to attack other players’ troops and cities.
All battle-ready troops are converted from the reserve military. Recruiting the reserve military at the training camp required both resources and time. By assigning the reserve military to the troops to get ready for the battles. Defeat the opponents’ troops and outnumber them in the final battle, now players can thereby demolish the opponents’ city however they want.
Heroes have a special attribute called the siege value, which grows with the heroes’ level, and the siege damage increases with the siege value. The Battles of Siege is clear when the HP of the opponent city reaches zero. Resources of the defeated opponent will be confiscated by the attacking player, and the remnants of the defeated city will retreat and be relocated to a random spot on the continent.
GvG (Guild vs Guild)
Attack the Castlevania
Castlevania was once Álfheimr for elf and Draenor for orc. The race of humans, elves and orcs scattered on the Apocalypse Land with their colossal cities. The Dark Lord cannot be tempted more and swept the world with his army of doom, and all the Holy Cities on every continent have eventually fallen into the wrong hand. The ultimate quest is to disperse the dark force and liberate the Horde of the Apocalypse.
On the world map in the game, there are birth continent, resources continent, and center continent, and each continent has numerous neutral states (cities) of different levels. The actual numbers of cities and levels may vary from continent to continent.
A clan shall gather its fellow clan members to attack the Castlevania. Once the fallen city is seized by the clan, the city shall be reclaimed. With the clan’s order, a player can be appointed as the Lord of the city and claim the surrounding lands as the city’s territories.
The first clan to seize the Castlevania will be rewarded with a special prize - Extremely Rare Gears, which is distributed at the clan’s discretion. Other participated clan members will receive several items for forging Gears. On the other hand, the players who occupied the Castlevania are entitled to continuous buffs of speed-up construction, speed-up resources exploitation, damage buff, special titles for different cities and more.
Each clan can occupy a maximum of four Castlevania at any given time, and a Conquer Point is given according to the levels of the occupied cities. Depending on the total Conquer Point and ranking in the clan, different Holy Stamp is awarded through the Altar of Holy Fire, which can be used to boost various abilities and attributes of all units.
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